czwartek, 27 marca 2014

ten pierwszy raz

mój blog właśnie traci dziewictwo. 
będzie in inglisz.

w związku z tym, że moja gramatyka woła o pomstę do nieba, proszę nie śmiać się z błędów.
wszystko jest częścią zabawy ze znajomym - dajemy sobie po trzy słowa i układamy szort story.


night was very warm and calm. andy walked with a pack of cigarettes in hand. box smoothly rotated between his fingers. he didn't want to smoke. he just need to do something with hands. - pure craziness! - thought andy and closed eyes. he saw her under the eyelids. she was so perfect. he loved when she wore a blue dress. - andy, you old fool! - he scolded himself mentally. - it was so long ago! and my memories are still fresh! there is no dust on my fellings. why?? - he asked himself not expecting an answer. he already knew it.


he took a deep breath. he could smell the air full of iron. - tell me how much do you love that fragrance? - silent voice asked him in his mind. - you can't imagine how much. - said, closing eyes, taking another breath. - i love the smell of blood. - he said putting hand on still warm body. he  touched her hair. was long and blonde - excatly what he likes. - you are my goddess. by your sacrifice i will become a true artist. - he whispered. he took a knife and slit her pale, delicate skin. she smelled like raspberries. her eyes were open. they had terrified, dead stare. he touched her cheek. he smiled and kissed her. - you will be my gratest work. i wanna paint you by your own blood. paint the most wonderful image, you have ever seen. - said excited. - i'm gonna do the brush from your hair. beautiful, healthy hair. the best brush on all world. magnificent! - saying it he took scissors. - it will be beautiful and long night. - he thought happy as never before.


- what are your fears? - asked billy joe, and looked at me. he frowned and watched my reaction. - i don't like blood, billy - I replied thoughtfully. - I'm scared of hunger, but not food's hunger. i'm scared of mental hunger, when you feeling something all the time, and you don't know exactly what do you feel, and how you can handle it. it's like scratch on the glass - you can see this, but there is no way to fix it. - i whispered.


when she woke up, her head almost exploded. she didn't remember anything, she didn't know what happened. was dark so, she couldn't see where she is. air smelled like ground and mold, so she supposes, she is somewhere in underground. - my head! - she thought, and touched hands and legs. she felt something around the ankle. it was chain. - holy crap! what the hell is going on? - she screamed, but no one answered. she tried get up, then she heard steps. door slammed open and light from the other room blinded her for a moment. she couldn't see kidnapper's face. radio was playing her favourite song. when her eyes adapted to the brightness, she saw skulls on man's t-shirt. - wait a second! i know that t-shirt! - she thought, and looked at his face. - john, what are you doing? - asked fearfully. man approached her. she could see his army shoes. she saw also knife in his hand. - no, john, please! - she begged him. - show me compassion. i don't want to die. - she whispered when he lifted knife. she felt shoe on her face, and didn't se nothing.


he sat in a dirty, silver van. the day was bright and warm. people were busy with their own business, didn't pay attention to the strange car. he could sit hidden, and just watch the street. he was looking for something special. he was very patient. could waiting for hours, just sitting in the car, and thinking about prize. he saw her after one hour. she was so perfect! ginger hair, freckled face, shapely nose, red lips. his dick swelled immediately. he found the only one. she was so perfect, and he was excited. he put hand in pants and touched the boner. -today you will be mine. - she thought closing eyes, and finished play with his penis. she was so deep in thought, she didn't notice the following her silver car. now he knew her adress, and he saw her through the window, so he could just watching and masturbating. but after few hours it wasn't enought for him. he wished something more. much more than this. 


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